Internet and WWW
A client is the requesting program in a
client/server relationship, e.g, the user of a Web browser is effectively making client requests for pages from servers all over the
In general, a server is a computer program that provides services
to other computer programs in the same or other computers.
Web browser:
The web client, called a browser, is the software that allows you to interact
with information available on the Internet. e.g Netscape
Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, MOSAIC.
HTML (Hypertext Markup
HTML is a tagging language
used to compose documents that will be viewed by a web browser.
It is
a standard adopted so that no matter what computer platform someone is using,
the web browser knows how to display the web document.
Web Page:
A mixture of text,
graphics, sound and animation in the HTML format, to make information
accessible in a easy to understand format using the Internet.
Web Site:
A collection of web pages
connected (linked) by Hypertext clickable links.
Web Site Storage/Hosting:
After a web site is
designed it must be stored on a computer that can be accessed through the
Internet and the World-Wide Web.
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